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Centenary University
Theatre Degree
The Theatre Department at Centenary University provides a unique learn-by-doing educational experience where you will become part of a vibrant professional theatre company, the Centenary Stage Company (CSC) which operates under an SPT Equity Contract. As part of CSC you will earn Equity Membership Candidate (EMC) points towards membership in Actors Equity Association, the professional union for actors and stage managers. Unlike many professional theatres located on college and university campuses, Centenary students play an active and vital role in all professional productions from cast to crew, participating in all facets of production.
Students are provided with valuable networking opportunities with artists who come to work with CSC throughout the year. These opportunities all you to jump start your career while making important personal connections with working professionals. In addition, we have a Theatre for Young Audience touring program, made up exclusively of Centenary theatre students and alums who travel throughout the state during the academic year presenting a variety of educational theatre productions for school audiences. During the academic year there are also our in-house student productions that run the gamut from Shakespeare to musicals to cutting edge drama, all performed and presented by NEXTstage Repertory, our all student performance division.
As a student at Centenary University, you will have the possibility of minoring, double majoring, and study abroad programs. By entering a BA program in the liberal arts, you will be challenged to learn multiple skill sets to assist you in the ever changing world of theatre.
If any of us here in our department can help you in any way, please don't hesitate to be in touch. Better yet, come to campus and spend some time with us. Call the box office at (908) 979 - 0900 to arrange for a time. Mention you are a prospective Theatre student.
Concentrations include:
Performance Studies
Technical Theatre
Musical Theatre
Costume Design
Production Management
Theatre Management
Our proximity to New York City allows for a staff of instructors, artists and designers that are drawn from the ranks of working professionals.
Carl Wallnau, CSC Artistic Director, Chair of Fine Arts Department (MFA, Rutgers University)
Christopher Young, CSC General Manager (MFA, Ohio University)
Lea Antolini-Lid, YAS Director, Associate Professor of Theatre Arts (MFA, Brandeis University)
Stephen Michael Davis, Director Shakesperience, Associate Professor of Theatre Arts (MFA, USC)
Judith Snyder, Technical Director, Assistant Professor of Theatre Arts
Meghan Reeves, Resident Costume Designer, Assistant Professor of Theatre Arts (MA, Rutgers University)

Education at Centenary Stage Company
From its acting and master's classes for adults and young adults to the Young Performer's Workshop, a performance-based, musical theatre program for children aged 8 to 18 that has been lauded by the Star-Ledger as "the most professional kids troupe around", Centenary Stage Company is committed to providing quality performing arts education to the Skylands region. For more information about the program, which is offered year-roud, or other programs at Centenary Stage Company, see on of the following pages or contact us directly.

Hitler's Tasters
Professional Theatre Series

School House Rocks Live Jr.
Young Audience Series

She Kills Monsters
NEXTstage Repertory

Hitler's Tasters
Professional Theatre Series
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